Check the details on the 10th birthday celebrations, and how you can participate!

As you know, CC will be holding its 10th birthday celebrations over the ten days from 7-16 December (16 December being the day the licence suite was launched in 2002). We’ve taken your feedback from the poll sent around earlier, as well as ideas from staff, our partners and the broader community, and have come up with a plan for a broad series of activities and events. We’re still finalising some of the details where they involve external partners (expect more on competitions later), but we’re ready to start publicising and collecting your contributions for the first things now.
What’s happening?
- We’re building a dedicated website at which will be the central hub for the birthday celebrations, featuring events, resources, competitions and daily announcements both during the 10 days and in the weeks leading up to the celebrations.
- We’ve designed the great logo you can see at the top of this email and will be using it to create banners, swag and other materials for our community and friends (from individuals to large platforms) to spread the word.
- We’ll be running a twitter campaign with the hashtag #cc10. As well as daily updates on what’s happening, this will feature daily “CC factoids” – fun facts about CC, its licences, and its users.
- On each of the 10 days the website will feature one CC educational resource – a fact sheet, video, app etc designed to teach people about or help them use CC. We want these to be your materials. We’ll use it as a chance to showcase the great work you do as our affiliates, and to highlight the full language and cultural diversity of our international community. Featuring affiliate resources was what you voted as your top activity in the 10th birthday poll, so we plan to make this a major part of our campaign. Examples of the kinds of resources we might feature are this great animation by CC Qatar, or this great poster by CC Sweden.
- Each day we will also feature a piece of CC-licensed content from the general community. Each piece of content will be accompanied by a blog post by a prominent CC advocateexplaining why they like it and think it is important that it is CC licensed.
- And finally, as announced previously, we’d like to see events and activities happen globally over these ten days. HQ will be running a party in San Francisco, but we need more events worldwide to reflect the full breadth of CC’s community. All of the events will be featured on the website, Twitter and Facebook.
But for all of this we need your help!
- Nominate your best CC resources to be featured on the website. We know you all produce great materials – let us know what they are. In November we’ll choose the top 10 for showcasing. We’ll also also use the material submitted as the beginning of a CC resource archive, which we’ll continue to develop throughout 2013.
- Similarly, nominate CC licensed content you think should be featured, or a CC advocate you think should be asked to blog. Again, we want to make sure the full breadth of CC’s community is reflected, all around the world.
- Send in your CC factoids for the Twitter campaign. If you know a piece of CC history, a fact about the licences, or a great local user or use, let us know by replying to this email. We’d like to make these as international as possible, so it’s important we hear from you about the history of CC in your region.
- Put the logo on your websites, circulate it to your network and facebook, use it at your events and celebrations. And you can adapt it for your audience – you might like to change the colour to match your website, or translate the language for your local community. We only ask that you keep the basic design the same (ie the three circles in a row) and that you upload any updated versions you create to You can find the current versions there, and we’ll have the adaptable illustrator file up ASAP.
- And of course, start planning your event now and, most importantly, let us know about it by adding it to our events page. So far we’ve got events in Indonesia, Sweden and Brazil, but we need more.
Is there something else you wanted to do?
Let us know if you want to run your own competition, activity etc and we’ll help you publicise it.
For example, does anyone remember the old CC Swag competition we used to run on Flickr? We’d love to run it again, and it was one of the top things you voted for in the poll. But here at HQ we’re a bit stretched with the other plans to run it ourselves. Anybody want to volunteer to do it for us?
Or you might like to run a local competition, or translation project, or remix challenge. Just let us know and we’ll do what we can to help.
Public launch
Finally, later this week we will be publicly launching the celebrations via a save-the-date teaser on our website, Twitter and Facebook. More details will be provided in the newsletter next month. When we do post it, spread the word!
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